Photo Text Data
We rarely encounter photographic images as isolated objects, but in combination with other media elements. What tended to be confined to text-image-constellations in the era of print media has increasingly morphed and expanded into hybrid assemblages comprising a wide variety of image, text and audiovisual materials sourced from diverse contexts and displayed simultaneously on our screens and digital platforms. How and in which arrangements photographic images appear – and what they make visible in the first place – is increasingly determined by algorithms, artificial intelligence and “seeing machines”, which influence how we make sense of them. The current cluster explores contemporary variations of text and image and the tensions in between as they compete in shaping not only what we see, but how we see it.
With works by Sofia Crespo, Natalie Czech, Shawné Michaelain Holloway, Stefan Karrer, Gene Kogan, The Otolith Group, Clare Strand, Maddy Varner and others.
Federica Chiocchetti
The Copy-Paste Machine
A Selection of Artist Books on Photo-Text-Relations
Alessandro Ludovico
Sofia Crespo
Me(me), Myself and I
The Otolith Group
Gene Kogan
Stefan Karrer
Shawné Michaelain Holloway
Natalie Czech
You Must Not Call It Photography If This Expression Hurts You
Maddy Varner
Clare Strand
Screening Photo Text Data