Memes and GIFs, selfies and Instagram filters, algorithms and neural networks, screenshots and drone images, networked feminism and online activism, content moderators, influencers and attention economies: In recent decades, the networked digital image has spawned new visual forms and cultural practices at a phenomenal speed – with unprecedented social and political ramifications. The SITUATIONS format has tracked and analysed these photographic developments over a period of five years. The projects Photographic Flux and From Print to Pixel have continued the discussion of the subject through educational programmes offered at the museum and in schools.
Baltensperger + Siepert
- The Right to Look
David Dao
Just Click and Apply?
Carrie Mae Weems
Mitra Azar
Simone C. Niquille
Mushon Zer-Aviv, Dan Stavy, Eran Weissenstern
Daniele Buetti
Esther Hovers
- Deviant
Workshop Urban Upload
Jake Elwes
Shengze Zhu
Sophie Calle
Andy King
Mechanical Paintings: Experimental Printing Station
Jeremy Welsh
Sam Mercer & Anna Dannemann
Anna Ehrenstein
Elena Aya Bundurakis
Andy Kassier
Adrian Sauer
- Porn
Federica Chiocchetti
The Copy-Paste Machine