At the annual event Plat(t)form, 42 selected international photographers and artists offer an insight into their work. During the portfolio viewing event, the artists present their works to the public and a team of experts – an opportunity to discover the latest tendencies in photography as well as young talents and meet them personally.
Plat(t)form 2024
Alexander Ziegler
Sabine Aichhorn
Mathis Altmann
Morten Andenæs
Enda Bowe
Marion Burnier
François Cavelier
Anna Cieplik
Kathryn Cook
Kim Cunningham
David de Beyter
Maria Eisl
Jan Paul Evers
David Favrod
Matthias Gabi
Matthieu Gafsou
Anne Geene
Elena Givone
Kirill Golovchenko
Ivars Gravlejs
Annette Grotkamp
Katharina Gruzei
Simon Haenni
Nicole Hametner
Gitte Hansen
Samuel Henne
Mie Jensen
Manuela Kasemir
Emil Kozak
Mårten Lange
Ralph Mackenzie
Melanie Matthieu
Katherine Melançon
Ingo Mittelstaedt
Margo Ovcharenko
Jean-Noël Pazzi
Marta Pohlmann-Kryszkiewicz
Willem Popelier
Louis-Cyprien Rials
Gosha Rubchinskiy
Sine Van Menxel
Oriol Vilanova
Janina Wick
Ueli Alder
Yann Amstutz
Barbora Bálková
Robert Bodnar
Catarina Botelho
Hermine Bourgadier
Thorsten Brinkmann