Plat(t)form 2012 | Fotomuseum Winterthur
Mari Bastashevski
*1980, Saint Petersburg / RU, lives and works in Paris
Mari Bastashevski, Staraya Sunzha, Chechnya, 2010, from the series File 126 – The Topography of Abduction in the North Caucasus 2007 - 2010
Mari Bastashevski, Nazran, Ingushetla, 2010, from the series File 126 – The Topography of Abduction in the North Caucasus 2007 - 2010
Mari Bastashevski, Urus Martan, Cechnya, 2010, from the series File 126 – The Topography of Abduction in the North Caucasus 2007 - 2010
Mari Bastashevski, Grozny, Chechnya, 2010, from the series File 126 – The Topography of Abduction in the North Caucasus 2007 - 2010
Mari Bastashevski, Atchko-Martan, Chechnya, 2009, from the series File 126 – The Topography of Abduction in the North Caucasus 2007 - 2010
Mari Bastashevski, Former interrogation center and suspected mass grave. Gudermes, Chechnya, 2009, from the series Weekend
Mari Bastashevski, Suspected landmines. Urus-Martan, Chechnya, , from the series Weekend
Mari Bastashevski, Temporary Interrogation Center. Sergen-Yurt, Chechnya, 2009, from the series Weekend
Mari Bastashevski, Recreational Park. Grozny, Chechnya, 2008, from the series Weekend
Mari Bastashevski, Military Compound. Grozny, Chechnya, 2009, from the series Weekend