P3 – Post-Photography Prototyping Prize
The Post-Photography Prototyping Prize (P3) is a biennial prize that supports artists, creative technologists and researchers questioning the changing role of photographic media. Initiated in 2016 by Fotomuseum Winterthur in collaboration with the Julius Baer Foundation, P3 sets out to define the field of ‘post-photography’ and to engage with photography’s shifting roles in contemporary culture.
In 2018, the second edition of the P3 will encourage interdisciplinarity and collaboration, bringing artists, technologists and researchers together to address specific issues that underlie the changes in contemporary photographic culture. Academics, visual artists and creative coders will join forces to reflect on social and technological transformations within current image production, distribution and consumption. Their joint explorations will result in a series of prototypes – sketches and drafts, unfinished works and proofs of concepts, visualizations and mockups.
The presentation of the prototypes and award ceremony will take place on 15 May 2018 at The Photographers’ Gallery in London.
Public programme
Tuesday, 15 May, 2018, 2.30 p.m. – 9.00 p.m.
Location: Photographes‘ Gallery, London
2:30 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.: Introduction and keynote speech by Joanna Zylinska
3:30 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.: Presentations by P3 finalists
6:00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.: Reception
7:30 p.m.: Award Ceremony
Free entry. Advance registration required, kindly RSVP at digital@fotomuseum.ch.
Finalists and Themes:
Seeing Machines
Katriona Beales (GB)
Geoff Cox (GB/DK)
Mario Klingemann (DE)
Social Exchange
Bogosi Sekhukhuni (ZA)
Maddy Varner (US)
Nina Wakeford (GB)
Generative Photography
Adam Brown (GB)
Tabea Iseli (CH)
Alan Warburton (GB)
Digital Labour
Manetta Berends (NL)
Nicolas Malevé (BE/GB)
Sebastian Schmieg (DE)
The Networked Image
Ramon Amaro (GB)
Anthon Astrom (CH)
Dina Kelberman (US)