Peter Piller

Einzelbilder (Single Images)

Peter Piller
Einzelbilder (Single Images), 2002-2004
From Von Erde schöner (More Beautiful from Earth)
C-print, 36.5 x 36.5 cm
Collection Fotomuseum Winterthur, acquisition with funds from Odinga Picenoni Hagen AG

b. 1968 (Fritzlar, DE), lives and works in Hamburg, DE
Over the past few years Peter Piller has put together an archive of over seven thousand photographs, which have been clipped from local papers. Like a photo detective, he neatly cuts out the pictures, analyses and sorts them. Then he looks for common threads, visual patterns and systems, and re-sorts the pictures into categories of his own. The Peter Piller Archive now contains about one hundred different categories with titles such as: Vandalismus zeigen (Pointing at Vandalism), Eis essende Mädchen (Girls eating ice cream) and Auto berühren (Touching a car).