SCREEN_ (pronounced ‘screen space’) is an email-based art space that produces monthly artworks, sent and received via email. Initiated and organised by Ada Wright Potter, SCREEN_ explores the private email inbox as a space to exhibit and experience art, as an alternative to that of the conventional gallery or museum space. Situated between the tradition of Fluxus mail art and, SCREEN_ seeks to create a distinct system of art dissemination and reception that makes use of the circulatory power of online networked media. The project also provocatively questions what constitutes a space for showing photography in a time when images have become unstable and distributed, no longer fixed to the gallery walls. SCREEN_ is rethinking the spaces digital photographic images inhabit and challenging conventional art experiences more broadly. In a collaboration with Fotomuseum Winterthur, SCREEN_ will commission Sasha Phyars-Burgess, Tal Barel and Sally McKay to work with the email form. The three emails will be sent out during the time of the SITUATIONS cluster, on 12 October, 26 October, and 9 November.
In order to receive the works in your email inbox, please subscribe to SCREEN_ following this link:
More about the artists:
Tal Barel was born in Israel and is currently based in Brooklyn, New York. She is interested in the institutions and the practices that shape our understanding of the world, with an emphasis on the history of photographic practice as a means for empirical research. Using photography, sculpture and installation, her work examines models associated with the preservation and mediation of knowledge, and the social and cultural construction of truth. More about Tal Barel:
Sasha Phyars-Burgess was born in Brooklyn, New York to Trinidadian parents, and raised in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, USA. She is interested in using photography education as community empowerment, the African diaspora, particularly in the Caribbean and Latin America, as well as learning about Pennsylvania. More about Sasha Phyars-Burgess:
Sally McKay is a Canadian artist, art writer and educator. Her art and research deal with cognition, consciousness and social structures at the intersections of art and science. She works in performance, installation and digital media. Sally has been experimenting with animated gifs as an art form for over fifteen years. Prior to the internet, she participated in mail art and urban interventions. More about Sally McKay:
More about SCREEN_:
A cooperation with SCREEN_
Cluster: Lab