A Selection of Artist and Theory Books on the Modern-Day Complexity of the Photographic Gaze 28.07. – 18.10.2020 | online


Liza Ambrossio, The Rage of Devotion / La ira de la devocion, Madrid: La Fabrica, 2018.

Tina M. Campt, Image Matters, Archive. Photography, and the African Diaspora in Europe, London: Duke University Press, 2012.

Tina M. Campt, Listening to Images, London: Duke University Press, 2017.

Florian Ebner, Constanze Wick, Cairo, Open City / Kairo, offene Stadt, Leipzig: Spector Books, 2013.

Foam (ed.), The Messenger. Image-Based Activism Today, Foam Magazine No. 41, Amsterdam, 2015.

Stuart Hall, Jessica Evans, Sean Nixon (eds.), Representation, 2nd edition, Los Angeles: Sage, 2013.

bell hooks, Black Looks. Race and Representation, Boston, MA: South End Press, 1992.

Lila Lee-Morrison, Portraits of Automated Facial Recognition. On Machinic Ways of Seeing the Face, Bielefeld: transcript, 2019.

Lilia Luganskaia, Investigation of Love, Amsterdam: [self-published], 2018.

*Nicholas Mirzoeff, The Right to Look. A Counterhistory of Visuality, London: Duke University Press, 2011.

Omiros Panayides, Theopisti Stylianou-Lambert, Tracking the Loving Gaze, Limmasol: [self-published], 2019.

Laurence Rasti, There Are No Homosexuals in Iran, Zurich: Patrick Frey: 2017.

Edward W. Said, Orientalism, New York: Vintage Books, 1979.

Mark Sealy, Decolonising the Camera. Photography in Racial Time, London: Lawrence & Wishart, 2019.

Angie Waller, Seeing Like a Computer. Facebook's Automatic Alternative Text, New York: Unknown Unknowns, 2018.

*The title of the show is a direct quote of Nicholas Mirzoeff’s publication.

The selection of artist books was compiled by Fotobibliothek. All books can be found in a special section at the entrance of the library (Tue–Fri, 13.30–17:30).