At the annual event Plat(t)form, 42 selected international photographers and artists offer an insight into their work. During the portfolio viewing event, the artists present their works to the public and a team of experts – an opportunity to discover the latest tendencies in photography as well as young talents and meet them personally.
Plat(t)form 2024
Hannah Darabi
Hillie de Rooij
Viktorija Eksta
Vesna Faassen, Lukas Verdijk
Léa Favre
Espen Gleditsch
Maxime Guyon
Sarah Hablützel
Dominic Hawgood
Célia Hay
Roc Herms
Klemen Ilovar
Philip Kanwischer
Heikki Kaski
Yves Kerckhoffs
Jonna Kina
Vendula Knopová
Mariya Kozhanova
Samuel Lecocq
Reinis Lismanis
Nora Longatti, Dominik Zietlow
Luise Marchand
Hana Miletic
Nicola Nunziata
Daan Paans
Tamás Páll
Lotte Reimann
Øistein Sæthren Dahle
Ulrike Schmitz
Lisa Sudhibhasilp
Merel Theloesen
Ben Van den Berghe
Jeff Weber
Yvan Alvarez
Magdalena Baranya
Fabrizio Bellomo
Petter Berg
Osman Bozkurt
Alessandro Calabrese
The Cool Couple
Alicja Dobrucka
Lisa Domin
Sprengers, Lanko & Brormann Ed
Pauline Fargue
Alberto Feijoo
Teresa Giannico
Samuel Gratacap
Antye Guenther
Kerstin Hamilton
Ina Hengstler