At the annual event Plat(t)form, 42 selected international photographers and artists offer an insight into their work. During the portfolio viewing event, the artists present their works to the public and a team of experts – an opportunity to discover the latest tendencies in photography as well as young talents and meet them personally.
Plat(t)form 2024
Georgs Avetisjans
Sara Bastai
François Bellabas
Felipe Romero Beltrán
David Benito Py
Anna Breit
Anna-Tia Buss
Zoé Clémence
Thaddé Comar
Alexandra Dautel
Tamara Eckhardt
Rozafa Elshan
Agnes Essonti Luque
Julie Folly
Lenka Glisníková
Jette Held
Assaf Hinden
Hiền Hoàng
Josephine Jatzlau
Laila Kaletta
Fritz Enzo Kargl
Vytautas Kumža
Youqine Lefèvre
Pavo Marinovic
Thi My Lien Nguyen
Jaya Pelupessy
Victoria Pidust
Michelle Piergoelam
Robin Plus
Ieva Raudsepa
Jana Rothe
Damla Şahinbaş
Muhammad Salah
Emma Sarpaniemi
Cédrine Scheidig
Manuel Sékou
Matilde Søes Rasmussen
Valentin Wedde
Olivia Wünsche
Lucrezia Zanardi