Plat(t)form 2012 | Fotomuseum Winterthur
Kasia Klimpel
*1970, Gliwice / PL, lives and works in Basel
Kasia Klimpel, 04:51:00, 31.05.2010, 52°33'15.59"N 21° 6'12.21"E, 2011, from the series Landscapes
Kasia Klimpel, 67° 42' 19.08" S 69° 28' 58.80" W, 2011, from the series Google Maps
Kasia Klimpel, 4° 44' 15.69" S 55° 29' 20.21" E, 2011, from the series Google Maps
Kasia Klimpel, Untitled, 2009, from the series Still
Kasia Klimpel, Untitled, 2009, from the series Still