Graciela Iturbide – The Inner Eye
The photograph Mujer ángel (Angel Woman), showing a Seri Indian with her back to us, walking through the desert carrying a radio recorder, is one of Graciela Iturbide’s most compelling images. It is, strictly speaking, a documentary photograph, and yet, at the same time, it appears to symbolise the tension between two civilizations, raising the question of how indigenous culture can continue to survive within western culture. Graciela Iturbide often creates images that seem to shift like silhouettes between knowing and sensing. Her photography addresses the subtle and complex interaction of different realities and their stratifications. She herself describes photography as an excuse to discover the world. It is an approach that makes “discovering” seem synonymous with “living”; as though “being in the world” were quite simply the same as “being.” The exhibition Graciela Iturbide – The Inner Eye presents every major group of works in the oeuvre of the probably most famous contemporary Mexican photographer.
The exhibition was curated by Marta Dahó. A cooperation with the Mapfre Foundation, Madrid.
Main sponsor: Avina Foundation