Fotomuseum Winterthur | Events | Friday, 28.01. – Sunday, 30.01.2011

Plat(t)form 2011

The fifth curated international portfolio viewing featuring young emerging European photographers will be held on the weekend of 28 to 30 January 2011. As in the previous year, we have invited 42 photographers to present their work for two hours to the public and a selected team of experts. The participants have been chosen from among some 130 nominated photographers. Plat(t)form 2011 is aimed at professionals such as curators, gallery owners, publishers, editors and photographers. At the same time the event offers interested visitors an opportunity of discovering the work of young photographers and artists and of meeting them in person.

Banu Cennetoğlu, artist/independent publisher, Istanbul/Amsterdam; Christine Frisinghelli, editor Camera Austria, Graz; Peter Galassi, chief curator Photography MoMA, New York; Christian Schwarm, collector/communications specialist, Stuttgart; Thomas Seelig, curator Fotomuseum Winterthur; Urs Stahel, director and curator Fotomuseum Winterthur.

Sabine Aichhorn (AT), Mathis Altmann (CH), Morten Andenæs (NO), Mohamed Bourouissa (DZ/FR), Enda Bowe (GB), Marion Burnier (CH), Anna Cieplik (DE), Kathryn Cook (US/IT), Kim Cunningham (IR/GB), Maria Eisl (AT/GB), Jan Paul Evers (DE), David Favrod (JP/CH), Matthias Gabi (CH), Matthieu Gafsou (CH), Anne Geene (NL), Elena Givone (IT), Kirill Golovchenko (UK/DE), Ivars Gravlejs (LV), Annette Grotkamp (DE), Katharina Gruzei (AT), Simon Haenni (CH), Nicole Hametner (AT/CH), Gitte Hansen (DK/GB), Samuel Henne (DE), Mie Jensen (DK), Emil Kozak (DK/ES), Manuela Kasemir (DE), Mårten Lange (SE/GB), Ralph Mackenzie (GB), Melanie Matthieu (BE/CH), Katherine Melancon (CA/GB), Ivan Mikhaylov (RU), Ingo Mittelstaedt (DE), Margo Ovcharenko (RU), Jean-Noël Pazzi (CH), Marta Pohlmann-Kryszkiewicz (PL/DE), Willem Popelier (NL), Louis-Cyprien Rials (FR), Gosha Rubchinskiy (RU), Sine Van Menxel (NL/BE), Oriol Vilanova (ES), Janina Wick (DE)