Jacques Berthet

Ohne Titel

Jacques Berthet
Ohne Titel, 1997-1998
C-print, 74 x 73 cm
Collection Fotomuseum Winterthur

b. 1949 (Geneva, CH), lives and works in Geneva, CH
From his work around the shores of Lake Geneva to his major project on the remarkable number of abandoned mines in the Swiss Alps and his latest colour photographs of the meadows above the CERN research laboratory in Meyrin, this Geneva-based photographer has always shown himself to be a calm and precise observer and image-maker who uncovers traces of human activity like an archaeologist and traces of nature like a botanist. Berthet seems to use the camera not only as a tool for making images, but also as a probe, giving us, as viewers, the possibility of discovering something new, whether an important or a minor detail, about our surroundings and our history.