Bieke Depoorter

Ohne Titel

Ohne Titel, 2012
Aus In Between - Cairo
28 x 39.5 cm
Collection Fotomuseum Winterthur

b. 1986 (Kortrijk, BE), lives and works in Gent, BE
Bieke Depoorter’s photo series might be best described as studies of intimacy. The young Belgian photographer captured these images while abroad, during one-night stays in private homes. The host family and the visitor often lack a common language, making trust a matter of instinct which is established through gestures and glances—and sealed with a photograph. The approach has marked the Magnum aspirant’s travels through Russia (Ou Menya), the United States (I Am About to Call It a Day), and Cairo—one year after the overthrow of Hosni Mubarak (In Between—Caïro). With her portraits of people and places where poetry meets travel journalism, she creates astonishingly intimate observations of foreign worlds.