Bruce Nauman


Bruce Nauman
LA AIR, 1970
From Multiples, Inc.: Artists and Photographs
Booklet, 30.5 x 30.6 cm
Collection Fotomuseum Winterthur

© Bruce Nauman / 2007 Pro Litteris, Zürich

b. 1941 (Fort Wayne, US), lives and works in Gallisteo, US
In 1970, under her imprint Multiples, Inc., Marian Goodman produced a box of artists’ works entitled Artists& Photographs which reflected the involvement with photography of nineteen contemporary artists, including Dan Graham, Robert Rauschenberg, Robert Smithson and Bruce Nauman. This miniature portable museum redefined the way photography was seen in the context of art. The works range from Warhol’s reproductions of existing artworks to Mel Bochner’s cryptic collection of quotations, Misunderstandings (A Theory of Photography).