Eisenring / Thomas Julier

Colorful Windows

Eisenring / Thomas Julier
Colorful Windows, 2009
From Berlin 2009
11 lasercopies, spiral bound, 29.7x21 cm,
Collection Fotomuseum Winterthur

Cédric Eisenring, b. 1983 (Basel, CH), lives and works in Zurich, CH; Thomas Julier, b.1983 (Brig, CH), lives and works in Zurich, CH and Brig, CH
In the group of works Berlin (2009), Julier and Eisenring depict views of city architecture bound into spiral notebooks. Each of the ninety-seven books deals with a specific architectonic structure from the city of Berlin, precisely described in the titles of the series of pictures. The artists single out everyday surfaces and forms and, through juxtaposing them in series, develop an individual, new formal language beyond architecture. Following the logic of the mass, play arises between architectonic meaning and self-referential image series.