Past cluster | Saturday, 05.12.2015 – Sunday, 31.01.2016


From the vanishing of a person or a social reality, to the fading of an image – a memory, slowly disappearing and gradually shifting over time – to the digital image, in which traditional boundaries are dissolving, the fourth cluster Vanishing (SITUATIONS #23 to #27) explores the transitional moments inherent in the act of vanishing. How, and in what way, are each of these moments marked by the dynamics of (re-)configuration and (re-)appearance – of new forms and imaginary figures, of yet-to-be-explored territories that slumber in a state of in-between?

  • Giulia Liberti, Jonathan Gobbi, Marco Furlani, Matteo Nobile, Natalia Trejbalova
  • Susanne Bürner
  • Rudolph Jula
  • Seiichi Furuya
  • Mario Pfeifer