Sophie Berrebi | 01.03. – 14.04.2013

What Remains of the Photographic beyond Photography

Sophie Berrebi will be looking for what remains of the photographic beyond photography. Or in her own words: „This is what I would like to explore in the next few weeks: What remains when photography transforms itself? How does technological modification trigger ontological change – if at all – and how does this translate into the way we apprehend pictures as producers, sitters, and viewers? In short, what interests me is how photography has taught us to look and what remains of the photographic beyond photography.“

Sophie Berrebi

Sophie Berrebi is a writer, critic, occasional curator. Her writing has appeared in frieze, Afterall, Metropolis M, and Art and Research. She is currently completing a book entitled The Document Reversed on the role of visual documents in contemporary art as well as several publications on Jean Dubuffet and modernism. Berrebi works as an assistant professor at the University of Amsterdam’s art history department.