Still Searching…

Von 2012 bis 2023 beschäftigte sich der Diskurs-Blog des Fotomuseum Winterthur interdisziplinär mit allen Aspekten der Fotografie und ihrer Rolle in der visuellen Kultur. Die insgesamt fast 50 eingeladenen Blogger_innen von Still Searching…  diskutierten fotografische Medien und Formen als Bestandteil komplexer technologischer, kapitalistischer und ideologischer Netzwerke und verhandelten aktuellste und relevante Fragestellungen rund um die Fotografie.

Blog series: Black Visual Frequency: A Glossary

Tina Campt | 05.06. – 31.07.2018
Black Visual Frequency: A Glossary

Until the end of July 2018, Tina Campt’s blog posts on “Black Visual Frequency: A Glossary” will seek to define a series of keywords that Campt finds crucial to thinking with, through, and alongside contemporary articulations of black visuality.

glossary: an alphabetical list of terms in a particular domain of knowledge with the definitions for those terms.

“After 20+ years of teaching, I’ve abandoned the obligatory final paper in favor of what I am convinced is a much more generative culminating assignment: a glossary. As a feminist theorist of black visuality, I’m deeply invested in teaching students to define their terms with rigor and precision. It is a commitment that manifests itself in the form of a pedagogical refrain I utter at least once (though often repeatedly) in each and every class. By the end of the semester, my students often zealously parrot it back to me with a welcome combination of conviction and humor: ‘define your terms!’ In keeping with this thoroughly ingrained idiom, my own writing has become characteristically peppered with definitions that epigraphically map the meandering rhythm of my thoughts.

Paying tribute to a particularly inspired group of students I had the pleasure of teaching this semester, this blog joins them in a similarly glossarial undertaking. The posts that follow over the next eight weeks seek to define a series of keywords that I find crucial to thinking with, through, and alongside contemporary articulations of black visuality. They are terms that refuse traditional distinctions among the different sensory registers often assumed to structure the modalities of expression typically assigned to sight, sound, touch, smell or taste. Rather, this glossary ruminates on the frequencies of black visuality and how black visuality registers sonically, haptically, and affectively. My goal is to articulate a vocabulary that enables a more robust dialogue around black visuality – a dialogue that does not reduce this concept to a collection of objects or artists, but engages it as a complex practice of entanglement, implication and aspiration.”


Dienstag, 05.06.2018
<p>A few years ago, in the middle of writing my last book, I asked a former student, a brilliant musicologist named Matthew Morrison, to help me understand the relationship between two terms that formed the bridge for my conception of the link between sound and images: frequency and register. He was finishing his dissertation and apologized profusely for the muddiness of his thinking.</p>


Dienstag, 19.06.2018
<p>Rereading <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">my last blog post</a> in preparation for the next, I realized that I neglected to include an important note of contextualization. I’m writing this quite literally on the move, or as my father fondly describes it, I am working while ‘galavanting.’ The introduction was composed on a plane and the first post was written in Berlin, a city that was my home for seven formative years.</p>

Slow Walking

Donnerstag, 05.07.2018
<p>Similar to <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">my last post</a>, this one also finds me in a state of transition. As usual, I’m on a plane. No need to linger on points of departure or arrival. But I will say that I find transit an oddly generative space. Planes and trains, in particular, are like cocoons for me; places where my thoughts tend to gush uncontrollably in the confines of airborne capsules or their earthbound equivalents.</p>


Dienstag, 24.07.2018
<p>Much to my delight and relief, I’m finally home. After close to six weeks on the road, my travels have come to an end. But since returning to the welcoming embrace of my husband, friends, dog, cat, and assorted loved ones, I still find myself strangely unsettled. I’m sure this sense of restlessness is the leftover rumble in my head of encounters with so many new people, places, artworks, and perspectives that continue to reverberate in me.</p>

Black Visuality

Mittwoch, 08.08.2018
<p>I’d like to begin my final blog post by invoking a prerogative that in many ways has served as its unarticulated guiding principle: the right to articulate an unfinished thought. It’s a prerogative I insist upon as core to my own practice of intellectual inquiry. This blog was intended to function as precisely such an exercise in generative open-ended thinking.</p>