Fotomuseum Winterthur | Online Events | Wednesday, 22.09.2021, 19:00–20:00

Screen Walk with Total Refusal

Join the Screen Walk of media guerilla collective Total Refusal for their project FELT REAL MIGHT DELETE LATER where they transform a number of selected additional characters in video games (so-called non-player characters or NPCs) into social media influencers. Profiles of NPCs are created and uploaded to multiple social media channels, such as Tinder, Instagram, Zoom, Twitch and TikTok. By doing so the collective investigates current excesses of late capitalism media.

With Total Refusal, artists Robin Klengel, Leonhard Müllner and Michael Stumpf aim to peacefully appropriate the existing mechanics of digital gaming media in order to find new use for their virtual combat zones. As such, Total Refusal is a pacifistic statement, realised in digital space.

In Screen Walks, a series of live-streamed explorations of digital spaces, selected artists and researchers investigate artistic strategies taking place online. The project gives an insight into practices using the screen as a medium. From re-contextualising pictures found on online marketplaces and uncovering data brokers’ invisible circulation of images to analysing in-game photography and the social, political and economic implications of games – Screen Walks examines various approaches, offers a behind-the-scenes look at artists’ work and uncovers new, current and forgotten digital spaces. Screen Walks is a collaboration between The Photographers’ Gallery in London and Fotomuseum Winterthur.

Kindly supported by: Pro Helvetia, Swiss Arts Council